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We help to stop suffering from unbearable type 2 diabetes symptoms and get rid of insulin – even if you’ve tried everything but failed
We’ve been able to achieve lasting results by using innovative therapies that have already helped many people worldwide to improve their condition significantly.
If youd like to know whether you’re a candidate and what results you can expect from the treatment programme…
Book a no-obligation consultation with one of our doctors to find out more about the treatment programme and its benefits for your specific case. Please note, we have two spots left for a consultation this month.
We completely understand how much pain people experience when they’re suffering from diabetes symptoms that significantly decrease their joy and quality of life…
The consequences of diabetes can make it difficult to work, truly enjoy hobbies, and spend time with family and friends as before.

To stop the progression and rapid worsening of symptoms, people follow doctors' guidelines. They try to engage in healthy lifestyles, diets and therapies, but nothing seems to work.

Often, extreme hunger worsens the condition, and this can make it almost impossible to follow diets and a healthy lifestyle. Or sometimes, results are not prominent and lasting.

It makes them feel scared because the disease is progressing, the condition is worsening, and they’re at risk of developing even more severe and dangerous consequences, such as stroke, heart attacks, advanced neuropathy, nephropathy, diabetic foot, and even death. They can feel helpless and doomed, as everything they’ve tried hasn't worked.
How to finally stop suffering from the symptoms of diabetes, get rid of insulin and reverse the disease so you can feel healthy, full of energy and more youthful
We’ve been focusing on type 2 diabetes for more than 10 years.

During that time, we've collaborated with top doctors who specialise in diabetes and its complications.

As a result of our own research and collaborations, we’ve created a treatment programme that helps reverse type 2 diabetes, lose weight without gaining it back, and relieve its unbearable complications using innovative therapies.

Even in cases that are serious and/or incurable, we apply progressive therapies to stabilise the condition and use advanced protocols that were previously only available to a few patients.
  • Taking insulin and a huge list of medications
  • Constant fatigue
  • Severe numbness, tingling or limb atrophy
  • Frequent and uncontrolled urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Severe early menopause symptoms like anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, hot flushes, uncontrolled bleeding, and irregular periods
  • Obesity
  • Unhealed foot ulcers
  • Extreme thirst and hunger
  • Aging
  • stop taking insulin
  • feel full of energy
  • get rid of pain and numbness in the limbs
  • urination is under control
  • improve vision
  • improve sexual dysfunctions
  • cope with early menopause symptoms
  • lose weight without gaining it back
  • heal diabetic foot ulcers
  • stop experiencing extreme hunger
  • reverse the aging process
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary; not all patients respond to treatment. Information provided on this site should not be considered as a guaranteed result for every case. Treatment results depend on the patient's condition, the number of treatment procedures, etc.
Before treatment:
After treatment:
What symptoms and complications do we usually support patients with?
Am I a candidate?
If you or a loved one suffer from type 2 diabetes and its complications, and nothing else has worked, don't wait until it’s too late. Book no-obligation online consultation with one of our doctors who have already helped thousands of patients.

You will find out:
1. How to reverse the disease, symptoms, and complications in your case
2. What the treatment involves
3. How much it costs

Please note, there are only two spots left this month. Fill out the web form below now to book one of them.
People come from all over the world
And we have helped thousands of patients from all over the world to achieve lasting results, enjoy life again, and feel healthy, full of energy and more youthful.

Patients coming for treatment include famous politicians, athletes, public figures, top managers, actors and people in business.
Treatment at Aleksander medical resort
Treatment is held in a picturesque location surrounded by forests and hills.
Our restaurant, spa and cosy living conditions make it feel like a holiday resort.
A small number of patients and our full medical team are available 24/7, making it possible to deep dive and dedicate enough time and attention to each patient.
Aleksander medical resort is a part of international swiss medica clinics that use cutting edge therapies
Treatment at Aleksander medical resort
Treatment is held in a picturesque location surrounded by forests and hills.
Our restaurant, spa and cosy living conditions make it feel like a holiday resort.
A small number of patients and our full medical team are available 24/7, making it possible to deep dive and dedicate enough time and attention to each patient.
Aleksander medical resort is a part of international swiss medica clinics that use cutting edge therapies
Here’s how we can help
If you suffer from unbearable symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes;
if you’re afraid of rapid progression and dangerous consequences, and nothing else has worked, don't wait until it’s too late. Book no-obligation online consultation with one of our doctors who have already helped thousands of patients.

You will find out:
1. How to reverse the disease, symptoms, and complications in your case
2. What the treatment involves
3. How much it costs

Please note, there are only two spots left this month. Fill out the web form below now to book one of them
Patients' feedback, articles, and testimonials provided on this site are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guaranteed result for every case of illness.

The treatment result depends on the disease, patient's condition, number of treatment procedures, etc.